The Influence of Titus Plautus on Commedia Dell' Arte

 The Influence of Titus Plautus on Commedia Dell' Arte

All art forms are being influenced by certain substances that give a new modification to that art form. The theatre has also significantly been captivated by the Commedia. In the 16th century, this genre introduced where people used to act in theatres in traveling troupes. Comedy or comic gestures and one-liners can lift the essence of the writing, and it can change the whole perspective towards a new zone. Comedy plays a vital role in changing the embodiment of it. Commedia has inspired many theatre forms, such as Shakespearean, Opera, Moliere, and musical theatre. 

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An essential trait of this genre is that they use props to represent that comedy element to the audience and amuse them with their wicked actions. It is still present in the form of writing, plotting, and characterization. This Commedia is a mixture of comedy, romance and also shows grief and tragedy. The tragedy is very humorous. This Commedia can be seen in Shakespeare's work, in which the element becomes visible in his career as a comedy. Art has different forms and genres and influences everyone towards positivity and prosperity. 

In my perspective, it helps to let people know about life's bitter realities through humor or comedy. The writers and actors greatly influence people and can motivate them through this art form. This Commedia is a theatrical style performed by the actors and has been inspirational to all. (Brown, Peter.,255). Commedia dell'Arte has powerful dialogues that can influence people. It can help generate different perspectives on the theatrical performances and stories displayed by the actors.

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Influence through Comedy and Theatrical Apprehensiveness

“Regardless of whether we are taking an exceptionally dated style, for example, commedia, I can just imaging the over-overstated signal and development improving the humor, without separating the crowd." (Klass, Nicole, 66)

The most astounding thing about this art form is its influence through various comedy    or theatrical apprehensiveness. It is essential to indulge in the beauty of all sorts of art forms. The Plautus is a dignified Roman Latin playwright of the Old Latin period, and it has influenced various art forms abruptly. The transitions from Plautus serve Roman to Servi of Commedia. Plautus's intelligence is in all the theatrical works with the essence of comedy that makes the situations more appropriate and exciting. Roman heritage is broad and apprehensive in all genres, and it has a dignified way of expressing the emotions amazingly. Plautus's intelligence is on the stage, and when it's with the element of comedy, it becomes a deadly combination. The spice of intelligence is lost somewhere, and comedy takes over everything. Humor is a vast genre that helps explore the pain and tragedy, but it would be so that it would not pierce any painful stuff in the people they grasp the things with light mood. We must accept society's bitter realities and harshness that can be indulged easily into people's minds. They are more open to the situation, and they can adapt to the problem quickly.

The most iconic and distinguished ancient Roman playwrights were Plautus, an inspiration for many, and he was one of the most influential people. He started his career when he was going through a rough patch in life. When a person is going through hard times and painful situations, one turns out to be more patient and thankful, or the other condition is that the person turns into something he shouldn't be. The cruelty of life can mold you to be a good human being or the worst human being. The people who are into the arts develop deep thoughts about all the situations and problems they face. These situations leave a significant impact on their minds as these people are sensitive and soft-hearted. This impact makes them so naïve about the positions, and we can feel the pain and grief in their form of art.

 A poet who has a rough time when he writes stories or poems can assess that the writer has jotted down all the ruthless and painful things into words. These poems and writings have a significant impact on people's minds, and the genres are connected to pain and are somehow related to happiness and excitement. The excitement and pain go hand in hand. Plautus was very respectful, and he started working as the translator of Greek playwright Menander. He was so keen to do the translations, and it was the learning process, but he was not only doing the translations. He was also modifying the comedies written by Menander and altered them into something ethereal.

The world of theatre evolved throughout the times, and it was turbulent throughout Europe. People deeply connected with the theatres because it was the primary entertainment source for people of old times. The evolved previous art forms are always influencing new art forms. During the 16th century, the Italians developed an ethereal art form that enhanced all the details. The Italians developed this art form, and it was praiseworthy, so people started liking it and following it. Later it was popular in the whole of Europe. Wearing masks was a characterization of this art form. The stereotypes influenced this typical art form, and the stories are beautifully displayed. 

The Plautus is influencing this genre and can generate into Commedia in a very positive way. We have to teach that all art forms are influenced by each other and impact the art form. The artist was changing their attires, and they were wearing masks that were displaying amazing stories. The actors or artists who imitate actions have to express everything through their eyes, gestures, and movements. It is challenging to maintain those expressions. This technique is thoughtful for the students, observers, or the people who influence the arts and understand the intensity of art and its impact on people. This technique is still being observed by the people in the twentieth century as well. The roles exhibit in a very significant way that influences the audiences. The scenarios and situations are so amusing to be observed by the people. (Henke, Robert,1-12).

This art form significantly impacts the people moving in society, having a load of their grief and pains in the lifespan. The masks, corsets, belts, colors, and makeup they used for presenting the story create a significant impact. The people spotlight is in the category and praised for their uncanny actions. The people are still following the trend, and the people in the sitcoms are using Commedia. The observation for attire and execution continues since then. The stories and two or three-act shows show different situations on the stage filled with chaos or amusement. The outline and the establishment of the primary three characterizing components of the Commedia are the structure, character, and utilization of parody. (Siguret, Françoise,161-162). The synopsis and the foundation of the main three defining elements of the Commedia are the structure, character, and use of satire. (Siguret, Françoise,161-162).

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Wearing Masks in Theaters

"The basic energies of Commedia dell' Arte can effectively be delivered into the nighttime, obscured rooms we call theaters, yet simply after their latent capacity has been completely evolved in the full light of day." (Rudlin, John,48)

Rudlin believes that a person who thinks that to adhere to Commedia's essence is mandatory that the person must go out and put on a mask on their face. Wearing the mask would help to inhabit Commedia's art that one should not over-rehearsing, which would kill the spontaneity. This has consistency, basically a platform or a scenario. These acts usually have three acts. These acts are so ethereal and astounding, and these acts have appropriate proportions, and it leaves a mark on the minds of the people. (O'Neill, John,11-37).

In Commedia dell' Arte, an artist's leading personality disappears, and the author's thoughts just run through the face of the people and only display the author's experience. The author demonstrates his thoughts and ideas that he has seen. The artists usually portray their own experiences and express their pains and problems that made them stronger and evolved them to be better. This amusing thing can change the thinking and approach of many people who are sad or not ok with the situations but fail to get over the problems quickly. It is hard to get away with the impact of harmful incidents and bad phases that we have been through in life. The discrimination of society has changed the lives of the people, and they have to change. 

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Every person goes through challenging situations in life; we should not keep that baggage on our shoulders when we cannot get over that. We should let go of things and the masks that are being pulled off by the people, and these masks hide all the problems and pains we have faced in our lives. We should wear the mask of positivity and happiness on our faces and go through the painful phase without being judged. We should be optimistic about life and the difficulties life threw at us. We should tackle all such things with a vast mind and a positive approach. The Canovaccio is a straightforward summation, a specialized sign of picturesque substance, and a rundown of characters and the activity to be cultivated by them (Rudlin 53). The story shows the circumstance has love, cash, and retaliation.

When people want entertainment, they need such real mediums to be approached by the people to let go of all the worries and let happiness prevail in their lives. It is vital to get in the stuff that let us forget about the sad things that happened to us in our life. All human beings go through hard times in their lives. No one has all the happiness in their lives. The element of joy is engulfed with sorrows and miseries as well. The theatrical performances give satisfaction to the audience. It also enhances the non-openly discussed social issues on regular days. (Wyllie, Barbara.567-596).

Influence on Poetry

"Plautus was regarded by the Romans as their best screenwriter. Plautus' time, which follows back as right on time as the last 50% of the third century B.C., can be perceived as a very recognized time for comedy." (Klass, Nicole, 12)

Commedia has influenced Shakespeare, and great writers and poets greatly influence many others. This genre of Commedia is so thought-provoking and influential as well. It has a significant impact on society, and it can change the worst situations into a lighter mode. Plautus has indulged the maturity into comedy and the perspective to change the thoughts that are a slow process that has evolved the literature into this art form. Plautus has attained adaptations of the plots, scenes, and situations from the comedy. It has changed the problems, and the enhancements' thought process has changed things for the better. We should adopt new techniques and approaches to make things more appropriate for various people in their lives. (Stachowicz, Klaudia,199-120)



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Work Cited:

Brown, Peter. "Plautus and Terence in Tudor England." The Reinvention of Theatre in Sixteenth-century Europe: Traditions, Texts, and Performance. 2017. 255.

Henke, Robert. "Literati and Peddlers: The Commedia dell'Arte and the German Idea of Weltliteratur." A Companion to World Literature. 2020. 1-12.


O'Neill, John. "Improvisation in La entretenida: tracing the influence of plautus and the Commedia dell'arte on Cervantes." Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 36.1. 2016. 11-37.

Siguret, Françoise. "Michela Zaccaria, Primedonne. Flaminia e Silvia dalla Commedia dell'Arte a Marivaux." 2020. 161-162.

Stachowicz, Klaudia. "Plautus and the Italian commedia erudita: Plautine reminiscences in" La Cassaria" by Ludovico Ariosto." 2020. 199-210.

Rudlin, John. Commedia dell'arte: An Actor's Handbook. New York: Routhedge. 1994. 48.

Wyllie, Barbara. "Vagabonding Masks: The Italian Commedia dell'Arte in the Russian Artistic Imagination." 2020. 567-569.

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