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Showing posts with label Discussion Posts. Show all posts

Forum:Chapter 21 Connections between Primary and Secondary Sources

Sample Essay APA Format 

The history of the world is represented by different social and economic changes that contributed to the current world. The studies focused on demonstrating the development of western civilization and how it influences the formation of the world today. The studies have provided knowledge that focused on determining the interrelationship among themes based on the historical context. According to Brophy and Cole (2020), western civilization is highly connected to literature, art, cultural formation, and the enduring ideas that emerged to shape the modern world after the renaissance period (Brophy & Cole, 2020). Thus, the studies have provided the skill required to understand how to evaluate the usefulness and reliability of historical events when working with primary source documents

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Similarly, begin by exploring the challenges of interpreting historical evidence from non-textual historical sources. The studies also explore the factors that contributed to the industrial revolution, which included technological advancement, scientific discoveries, and economic growth (Brophy et al., 2020). The authors also provide an overview of the social and cultural consequences of the industrial revolution in the new industrial societies across the globe. As a result, the studies show how global industrialization, which was influenced by western civilization, created new perceptions of the global economy in Europe.

Moreover, the studies have explored the successive struggles during the development of different ideological beliefs that influence early civilizations' formation. According to Brophy et al. (2020), the significance of colonial conquest for western culture was related to the colonial power, which influenced other the formation of the political and social systems. The historical events during the colonial period have been covered by summarizing the political and economic origins and consequences that contributed to the current world. Thus, it is clear that social unity was marked by the struggles of different people who were grouped as revolutionaries, liberals, or conservatives.


















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Brophy, J. M., & Cole, J. (2020). Perspectives from the past: Primary sources in Western Civilizations. W. W. Norton & Company.

Brophy, J. M., Cole, J., Robertson, J. F., Safley, T. M., & Symes, C. (2020). Perspectives from the past: Primary sources in Western Civilizations. W.W. Norton & Company.