Showing posts with label Nursing Sample Papers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nursing Sample Papers. Show all posts

My Acculturation Experience as a Nursing (Sample Application Essay)


Nursing is a complex profession that requires a flexible individual to acculturate to new environments quickly. The ongoing cultural diversity among the nursing students and the work environment has created a need for flexibility in the nursing profession. Professional acculturation can be explained as the process of internalizing the norms, attitudes and values of a professional culture are internalized (Feng & Tsai, 2012). Similarly, it can also be challenging to adapt to a new experience as a recent graduate in the culture of the nursing profession. The acculturation experience as a new graduate to the nursing profession's culture is usually easy for some and hard for others. Therefore, the paper will present a description of my acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession.

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My acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession can be described as stressful and full of anxiety. Just like most of my old and new nursing colleagues who joined the team within the past year, the new environment seemed complicated at first. For instance, I had issues reorganizing the study programs, which contributed to stress and anxiety. However, it did not take me long for me to adapt and normalize the acculturation to the culture of the nursing profession. It also took me a while to understand how to deal with patients from diverse backgrounds and implement the knowledge learned in class in the work environment.

As a new graduate, I know that the nursing profession is based on the traditional value and norms of providing care to patients despite their cultural backgrounds. However, it was challenging to implement the values and traditional standards related to providing better care to patients from diverse backgrounds. The results from different researchers show that it takes the support of the nurses who require a lot of help to transition from their school environment and adapt to the workplace's demanding environment (Cook et al., 2021). Acculturation is very important as it allows the new graduate nurses to slowly internalize the latest norms and values of a professional culture. As a result, it is possible to say that my difficulties in acculturating to the new experience were assisted by the support received from my colleagues in the new environment.

I also learned the need for communication and mutual collaboration when working as a nurse professional in the working environment. This was challenging at first, considering that I could not even memorize some of the names of my colleagues in the nursing environment. I also understood that it was a common issue even among the new graduates who joined our team in the past years. However, it becomes easy to normalize to the nursing profession's new norms and cultural practices after a while. Therefore, my acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession can be described as that of other new graduates who joined the workforce in the past years. It can be challenging to master the new norms, culture, attributes and values in the nursing profession, but it becomes easy to adapt as time passes. Adapting to cultural practices is essential for every nurse to ensure effective and competent nursing care in the changing environment. It is also vital to ensure collaboration and safety among nurses in the nursing profession.





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Cook, M., Gehrich, P., & Price, A. (2021). Enhancing Support for New Graduate Nurses. Journal For Nurses In Professional Development37(2), 114-116.

Feng, R., & Tsai, Y. (2012). Socialisation of new graduate nurses to practising nurses. Journal Of Clinical Nursing21(13-14), 2064-2071.


Importance of the American Nurses Association (ANA)

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Nursing is a profession that is constantly involved and changing depending on the external factors affecting the practice. Professional associations in nursing are beneficial because they help complete the circle between the external factors and clinical practices. Taking part in the existing professional associations benefits nurses by providing a platform to improve their clinical skills, professional networks, and future career prospects (Maghsoudi et al., 2021). As a result, the paper will examine the importance of the American Nurses Association (ANA) as a professional nursing association that relates to the specialty area.

The American Nurses Association (ANA) is among the oldest professional organizations in nursing. That was founded in 1896. It represents the interests of over four million members, making it one of the largest professional nursing organizations. ANA's significance to nurses includes fostering high standards and ethical adherence among the registered nurses in nursing (Maghsoudi et al., 2021). A board leads the professional association consisting of different representatives of the constituency organizations. It is also made of different nursing groups such as the United American Nurses and the Center for American Nurses.

Considering the ongoing changes in nursing practices, nurses must utilize their education to ensure quality care outcomes. Thus, the organization's main initiative is to protect and advance the scope of nursing practices for its members. Moreover, the professional organization is also significant to nurses because it promotes nurse safety and wellness (Dahnke, 2009). Therefore, nurses benefit from the opportunities to advance their education through personal networking conferences and mentoring. 

Additionally, ANA organizes global outreaches and conferences to promote the nursing practice and ensure career goal advancement through networking. This is essential to nursing, as it creates a sense of belonging and an avenue for a productive and fulfilled career. Being a member of the ANA offers invaluable and effortless face-time and connection with like-minded peers, professionals, and potential mentors in nursing. Also, networking creates a platform to share skills, knowledge, and job openings (Maghsoudi et al., 2021). It serves as a support system to take off from the burnout of everyday work and make lifelong friends. It is the responsibility of any organization to relay any changes to its members. 

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Nursing is a dynamic specialty that experiences numerous changes in practice and education. ANA ensures its members are duly updated with the latest policies and standards. Summits, conferences, and seminars are organized for members to keep them abreast of new things. Members access information on the association's websites by logging in using their membership usernames and passwords. The online platform gives members easy and quick access to information as well. ANA also holds annual meetings and exhibitions in different states across the country, which offers an avenue for information about nursing practice to be shared. Research is done, and periodicals/journals are published to equip midwives with evidence-based and critical thinking skills that enhance practice (Dahnke, 2009).

ANA offers the opportunity for continuing education and career development. ANA sees mentoring and advanced education as a learning experience beyond primary nursing education. The association has a division of advanced nursing that organizes educational programs for professional development and training. Mentoring and advanced education is "designed to enlarge upon the knowledge and skills learned in nursing education program, refresher course or internship, and add to the routine professional obligations and responsibilities. The program offers an opportunity to learn a new concept, research, theories, and models of nursing practice that increase professional goals and competencies introduced in the training and mentoring programs. Overall, nurses should be associated with formal organizations related to their specialties and areas of interest. This creates an avenue to connect with like minds in the same field of practice and a platform for exchanging knowledge and ideas. It also fosters professional and career development which invariably enhances practice, competence, and patients outcome.


Considering the ongoing changes in nursing practices, nurses must utilize their education to ensure quality care outcomes. ANA is a professional association in nursing that helps its members complete the circle between the external factors and clinical practices. Taking part in the nursing organization benefits the nurses by providing a platform to improve their clinical skills, professional networks, and future career prospects. ANA's significance to nurses includes fostering high standards and ethical adherence to the nursing practices. The professional organization is also substantial to nurses because it promotes nurse safety and wellness. Besides, ANA offers the opportunity for continuing education and career development. 

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ANA Enterprise | American Nurses Association. ANA. (2022). Retrieved 17 April 2022, from

Dahnke, M. (2009). The Role of the American Nurses Association Code in Ethical Decision Making. Holistic Nursing Practice23(2), 112-119.

Maghsoudi, S., Mohsenpour, M., & Nazif, H. (2021). Comparison of ethical decision-making and interpersonal communication skills training effects on nurses’ ethical climate. Clinical Ethics, 147775092110341.

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My Acculturation Experience as a Professional Nurse

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Nursing is a complex profession that requires a flexible individual to acculturate to new environments quickly. The ongoing cultural diversity among the nursing students and the work environment has created a need for flexibility in the nursing profession. Professional acculturation can be explained as the process of internalizing the norms, attitudes and values of a professional culture are internalized (Feng & Tsai, 2012). Similarly, it can also be challenging to adapt to a new experience as a recent graduate in the culture of the nursing profession. The acculturation experience as a new graduate to the nursing profession's culture is usually easy for some and hard for others. Therefore, the paper will present a description of my acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession.

My acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession can be described as stressful and full of anxiety. Just like most of my old and new nursing colleagues who joined the team within the past year, the new environment seemed complicated at first. For instance, I had issues reorganizing the study programs, which contributed to stress and anxiety. However, it did not take me long for me to adapt and normalize the acculturation to the culture of the nursing profession. It also took me a while to understand how to deal with patients from diverse backgrounds and implement the knowledge learned in class in the work environment.

As a new graduate, I know that the nursing profession is based on the traditional value and norms of providing care to patients despite their cultural backgrounds. However, it was challenging to implement the values and traditional standards related to providing better care to patients from diverse backgrounds. The results from different researchers show that it takes the support of the nurses who require a lot of help to transition from their school environment and adapt to the workplace's demanding environment (Cook et al., 2021). Acculturation is very important as it allows the new graduate nurses to slowly internalize the latest norms and values of a professional culture. As a result, it is possible to say that my difficulties in acculturating to the new experience were assisted by the support received from my colleagues in the new environment.

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I also learned the need for communication and mutual collaboration when working as a nurse professional in the working environment. This was challenging at first, considering that I could not even memorize some of the names of my colleagues in the nursing environment. I also understood that it was a common issue even among the new graduates who joined our team in the past years. However, it becomes easy to normalize to the nursing profession's new norms and cultural practices after a while.

Therefore, my acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession can be described as that of other new graduates who joined the workforce in the past years. It can be challenging to master the new norms, culture, attributes and values in the nursing profession, but it becomes easy to adapt as time passes. Adapting to cultural practices is essential for every nurse to ensure effective and competent nursing care in the changing environment. It is also vital to ensure collaboration and safety among nurses in the nursing profession.


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Cook, M., Gehrich, P., & Price, A. (2021). Enhancing Support for New Graduate Nurses. Journal For Nurses In Professional Development37(2), 114-116.

Feng, R., & Tsai, Y. (2012). Socialisation of new graduate nurses to practising nurses. Journal Of Clinical Nursing21(13-14), 2064-2071.

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Module 02 Written Assignment - Immune System Disorders (sample paper available)

Rasmussen University – NUR2063: Essentials of Pathophysiology

Title of Assignment:  Module 02 Written Assignment - Immune System Disorders

Purpose of Assignment:

Apply knowledge and understanding of the pathophysiology of immune system disorders. Autoimmune disorders are generally considered the host attacking itself, which manifests in different types of disorders.

Course Competency(s):

·         Determine the cellular functions required to regulate homeostasis.



Identify a person you know who has an immune system disorder or cancer. Review content in your text for potential types of disorders.

Interview the affected person and write a 3–5-page summary of the interview, including: 

·         Identify the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder

·         Discuss the treatment for the immune system disorder

·         Summarize the findings of the interview

·         Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings or identify therapies that may be new or different from what the affected person may be using. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

·         Cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format. Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Questions you may want to use to guide your interview:

1.       How would you describe your immune system disorder?

2.       How long have you had this disorder?

3.       How has this disorder changed your life (home and work)?

4.       Are you able to carry out daily activities independently?

5.       What treatments are you using to manage this disorder?

6.       What side effects have you experienced with the treatments?

7.       How has this disorder changed your body?

8.       How has this disorder impacted you emotionally?

9.       Have alternative therapies, such as Eastern medicine (acupuncture, herbal treatment, yoga) been tried or recommended?

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