Comparing and contrasting Pilgrimage to Cythera by Watteau (Rococo style) AND Wanderer above a Sea of Mist by Caspar David Friedrich (Romanticism style).

Artwork Comparison Sample Essay

Pilgrimage to Cythera vs. Wanderer above a Sea of Mist

The paper compares Pilgrimage to Cythera by Watteau and Wanderer above a Sea of Mist by Caspar David Friedrich. The essay will discuss how the two different moments displayed the nature of the scenes differently. Both artworks made a significant contribution to the 18th and 19th century Rococo and romanticism art movements (Cowart). Watteau's The Pilgrimage of Cythera is presented in the Rococo style as a fantasy island seclusion story of love, brightness, and color. On the other hand, Wanderer above a Sea of Mist presents a quintessential Romantic artwork of accurate records of observations made by Caspar David Friedrich Wanderer. Unlike Watteau, Friedrich presents scenes as cold, alone, and stiff because his aesthetic began as a reaction against the Enlightenment values that partially contributed to a bloody French Revolution. As a result, the essay will compare and contrast the stylistic characteristics and cultural context between the two works of art.

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Stylistic Characteristics Analysis

"Pilgrimage to Cythera" was presented by Watteau utilizing the Period style of Rococo, while Wanderer Above the Sea of Mist was presented by Caspar David Friedrich utilizing the period style of Romanticism. Pilgrimage to Cythera is characterized by an elaborate pastel color palette, Rubenesque brushwork, and small-scale ornamentation. The Pilgrimage of Cythera in Rococo style is a fantasy island seclusion of love setting, the birthplace of Venus. The artwork captures the frivolity and sensuousness of Rococo painting, but it also captures the stages and growing nature of love. The style of artworks often displays themes of romance, youthfulness, classical myths, and playfulness. Therefore, the period style of Rococo entailed a combination of the French rocaille, due to the heavy usage of shell-like curves, and the Italian Barocco style because of its decorative nature.

However, Wanderer above the Sea of Mist utilizes a style characterized by an expressionistic color palette, expressionistic brushwork, large scale, and emotion. According to the research, the Wanderer Above the Sea of Mist was a self-portrait of the artist. The figure stands in contemplation and self-reflection, mesmerized by the haze of the sea fog as if it were a religious and spiritual experience. The image also portrays the image as one which wonders at that moment about the unforeseen future. Friedrich took what he observed and created something from his heart, feelings, and ideas. Nevertheless, the painting's influences tie back to Romanticism, for it is about creating something from one's feelings based on what one saw. Friedrich also chose a landscape as his subject matter instead of the figure in the painting, which influenced Romanticism by displaying the maternal and consoling quality of nature.

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Cultural Context Analysis

The cultural content utilized by Watteau in "Pilgrimage to Cythera" includes Fete Galante, the cultural theme of pleasure, sensuality, romance, intimacy, and Shiny, reflected aspects throughout the painting. The term Fete Galante which means the amorous festival is used in this painting to show the upper-class society enjoying outdoor gatherings. The artwork manages to significantly influence the 18th-century art movement by introducing the fĂȘte Galante, vibrant colors, and bold brushstrokes. As a result, themes of courtship, falling in love, and love's triumph are magnificently fused in Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera.

Wanderer above the Sea of Mist portrays cultural context, including sublime and favored subject matter to show freedom, individuality, self-preservation. Romanticism started a new perspective towards art, especially landscapes, where many artists started to portray their ideas visually. The author also went against the norm by painting the canvas vertically, not horizontally, because the artists did things their way. The painting portrays a man standing in a landscape wherewith to share his personal experiences by showing a man's back. As a result, the artist managed to present artwork that showed the dark times, which marked an evolution by presenting an image that signifies cold, alone, and stiffness.

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Conclusion and Thematic Connection

The thematic connection between the two artworks includes the fact that they influenced the art movements through how they were painted, the subject matter, and the meaning behind the paintings. Both artists are very expressive of emotions where they use their respective brushwork to help express the emotions. The themes of courtship, falling in love, and love's triumph is magnificently fused in Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera Additionally, both paintings have hints of pinks and muted blues used differently to express different things. Therefore, Both artworks made significant contributions to the Rococo and Romanticism art movements.

Watteau's The Pilgrimage of Cythera is presented in the Rococo style as a fantasy island seclusion story of love, brightness, and color.On the other hand, Wanderer above a Sea of Mist presents a quintessential Romantic artwork of actual records of observations made by Caspar David Friedrich Wanderer. Unlike Watteau, Friedrich presents scenes as cold, alone, and stiff because his aesthetic began as a reaction against the Enlightenment values that partially contributed to a bloody French Revolution. The paper concludes that the two different movements caused these two nature scenes to be depicted so differently, where Watteau's is filled with love, brightness, and color while Friedrich's can be seen as cold, alone, and stiff.

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Work cited

“Wanderer above the Sea of FOG By Caspar David Friedrich.” The Artist, 20 Dec. 2018,

Abeza, Dawit. “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog Analysis.” ATX Fine Arts, 26 Aug. 2019,

Cowart, Georgia. "Watteau's "Pilgrimage To Cythera" And The Subversive Utopia Of The Opera-Ballet". The Art Bulletin, vol 83, no. 3, 2001, p. 461. JSTOR, doi:10.2307/3177238.

Singer, James W. “Jean-Antoine Watteau, Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera.” - Art History Stories, 15 Sept. 2019,


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