SPT29 Geotechnics and Soil Mechanics (SPT29 Assignment 1&2)

The essay presents a sample paper for SPT29 Geotechnics and Soil Mechanics including Assignment 1 and 2. Sample papers are donitated to Archive Homework when there is a breach of contract based on our copyrights policies (i.e. failed to pay for the services offered)

SPT29 Assignment 1

An understanding of the mechanical behavior of soils and rocks is critical in order to design and construct any geotechnical application. Considering that the life of any structure depends on soil for foundation in one way or another, understanding its properties is of equal importance before geotechnical applications. Samples of soils from the boreholes are taken regularly during the ground investigation to establish the specific soil properties that is suitable for geotechnical design (Batog & Stilger-Szydło, 2019). The soil samples collected during ground investigation are taken to the labs for geotechnical testing to determine whether its properties will support the intended geotechnical application (Li et al., 2018).

As a results, the paper will present a report that will analyze soil properties determined by geotechnical procedures during ground investigation. The report will focus on describing the importance of soil mechanics when designing the embankments, bridge and road foundations by evaluating how the soil samples are compacted and the main reason behind the technic. It will also present a proposal for conducting a geotechnical procedures to analyze the soil properties for a project of constructing a new highway and bridge to connect the site to the Sha Tsui peninsula. Based on the survey data from the soil sampling and testing, the calculations to determine the suitable soil properties for the project will also be considered. The results will be used to address the identified geotechnical weaknesses and problems

LO1: Reviewing the rock types, formation, and uses within civil engineering 

There are three main types of rocks which include igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Any rock can transform into any other rock by passing through processes such as crystallization, metamorphism, erosion, and sedimentation which creates the rock cycle as shown by Figure 1 below (Geoguide 3, 2017). The paper will present a report based on survey and soil sampling for a proposed construction project. The proposal is for a large infrastructure project, in an area of mixed geological conditions. The project will include significant earth working for highway construction, and the construction of bridges supported on pile foundations. The land across which the project covers, is undulating with significant rises and falls over the alignment of the main highway corridor. The site investigation and soil sampling were undertaken by a different firm

Figure 1: The Rock Cycle.

Formation of Igneous Rocks

The igneous rocks are formed when the magma cools and solidifies through crystallization to form a mixture of minerals. They can be divided into intrusive which are formed by the cool magma within the magma chambers underground and extrusive rocks which are formed at the ground surface from fissures or eruptions. While extrusive rocks are formed at the ground surface from fissures or eruptions, intrusive rocks are formed by the cooling of magma within the magma chambers underground. Depending on the amount of SiO2 content in the rocks, the igneous rocks can be classified as either acidic or basic.

The classification of igneous rocks can be conducted visually because it is usually based on the sizes and colors of their particles. Igneous rocks are known to have crystalline structures such as granite which is formed by slow cooling of magma. However, other classes of ingenious rocks do not have a crystalline structure for natural glass and tuff, which is formed by the cementation of volcanic ashes. Igneous rocks are considered resilient to Weathering and susceptibility which affects the discontinuity nature of rock mass. Moreover, igneous rocks are considered to be generally strong and resistant to weathering which often starts within the faults and rock joints. Faults and rock joints can be formed within the weak spots during the cooling of molten rock which results in the weak spots where water can penetrate through to cause weathering. The rocks can also be weathered by wind and temperature actions. The key examples of igneous rocks include Granite, basalt, and gabbro

Formation of Sedimentary Rocks

In contrast to metamorphic and igneous rocks, which are formed deep within the Earth, Sedimentary rocks are formed on or near the Earth’s surface. Sedimentary rocks are formed by sediments which are generally through the process of cementation and compaction such as sandstone and siltstone. The rocks can also be formed as a result of biological processes such as coal, Chert, and limestone. Sedimentary rocks can also be formed by precipitation of solutions such as gypsum and halite. Their classification can done based on the size of their gains which are formed through the sedimentation of clay, sand, silt, biological matter, or chemical matters. The process can also result in the formation of a layered structure. Under the view of a microscope, the layered structure formed by sedimentary rocks is different from igneous rocks which give crystalline structure

Figure 2: formation of sedimentary rocks

The key geological processes that lead to the formation of sedimentary rocks include weathering, erosion, lithification, precipitation, and dissolution. Erosion and weathering transform stones and even mountains into sediments such as sand and mud as show by Figure 2 above. The erosion and weathering can result from the effects of wind and rain on the rocks which slowly break down large rocks into smaller ones. The cementing material often performs chemical action with rain, which is slightly acidic, and causes enlargement of the weak spots which disintegrates the sedimentary rocks. Dissolution is a form of chemical weathering where slightly acidic water slowly wears away stone. The process relies on the weak spots that are located within the cementing materials which contributes to the process considering that the cementation process is not perfect.

Sedimentary rocks are generally weaker as they are often formed by cementation between materials such as pre-existing rocks, sand, silt, or pieces of once-living organisms. The type of rocks can also be weathered by natural actions from wind and temperature. Given the weak nature of the rocks, they are much more susceptible to weathering. However, their weathering resistance depends on the weathering resistance of its constituent material and the durability of the cementing materials. Therefore

Formation of Metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks are formed when rocks are subjected to high pressure, heat, hot mineral-rich fluids, or a combination of the factors. Extreme heat and pressure are responsible for changing the nature of the pre-existing rocks to form metamorphic rocks. High-temperature reactions may take place without melting. Their texture would also change by the recrystallization process and their mineral formations can also change due to the ingress of hot fluids. The three types of metamorphic rocks include contact metamorphism which is formed when magma comes in contact with an already existing body of rock, and regional, and dynamic metamorphism.

The classification of the metamorphic rocks is based on their texture, mainly foliations. And may be also accompanied by mineral contents. Metamorphic rocks tend to have bands that can contain minerals, crystal structures, and some traces of fossils in cases where the pressure was not applied too hard. As metamorphic rocks have changed their nature due to high temperature and pressure, weathering has little effect on the discontinuity nature of rock mass. Metamorphic rock is generally found near tectonic plates where the plates come together or converge. Due to differences in temperature, and pressure, their properties cannot be easily predicted by their parent rocks. However, the rocks can also be weathered by wind and temperature actions.

LO2 Exploring and classifying soils to current codes of practice

The methods used today in site investigation include drilling, sampling, or testing the soil or rock directly, using equipment such as boreholes, cones, probes, or test pits. The current technological advancements have also made it possible to utilize non-intrusive methods in site investigation which include the use of remote sensing techniques to measure the properties of the subsurface remotely. According to Geoguide 3 (2017), soil and rocks can be classified into grades which range from grade 1 to grade 6.

Grade I entails the types of rocks that a ringing sound when struck by a geological hammer with no visible sign of decomposition or discoloration. Grade 2 entails the rocks that also not be easily broken by a geological hammer. a ringing sound is produced but the color of fresh rock is retained when it is struck with a hummer but stained near the joint surface. Grade 3 contains the type of rocks that are easily broken by geological hammer but cannot be broken by hand. When struck with a geological hammer, a dull sound is produced leaving it completely stained. Grade 4 contains the types of materials that cannot satiate when submerged in water but can be broken into smaller particles by hand. Grade 5 contains the particles that preserve the original rock texture and can be crumbled by hand into grains. Lastly, Grade 6 includes the weak particles, and their original rock texture is destroyed.

 The site investigation is initiated with a desk study which studies the geological map, finding relevant geological data that can be useful. The data can be derived from places such as the geological library for nearby boreholes, and aerial photos showing the previous developments and instability. A site visit and investigation are then performed to give a general impression of the site and its geological features. After completion, drill holes, trial pits or stripping would be performed to verify the sub-surface geology. In the drill holes and trial pits, rock and soil samples can be collected from samples, coring, and block samples. The rock is classified by Grades I to IV and soil is generally classified as clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobble, and boulders with a size of 200mm respectively. The soil classification is done by sieving and sedimentation. It would also be classified based on its minerals


















SPT29 Assignment 2

Soil properties determined by geotechnical procedures

Soil testing is a process used in geotechnical procedures to which entails performing relatively straightforward tests to determine the type of the soil and identify its basic properties. The tests are used to identify the strength of the soil and determine if it can physically support the weight of the geotechnical structure. For retaining walls, the tests are used to check if the wall will support the pressures placed on the back of it by the soil and the geotechnical structure

Determining the properties of a soil during ground investigation is also for important to identify the compressibility of the soil. The approach checks whether the structure will have a firm foundation to settle into the soil over time (Caicedo, 2021). Besides, the studies have demonstrated that the determining the soul properties is important  during when a geotechnical structure is to be constructed on slopes (Li et al., 2018).It is used to ensure the soil mass will not “slip” and collapse. Thus, the tests procedures for the common tests will be discussed below:

(i)                 water content

Water content is also referred to as moisture content is used to express the amount of water in a soil.

The test utilizes the formula: w =  

The results are reported as a percentage where w < 10, to one decimal place and w > 10, to nearest whole number.

For example. We can use the the fomula to solve the following example from the studies:


Soil Sample


water content tin of mass

19.52 g

combined mass of the soil and the tin

48.27 g

After oven drying the soil and the tin

42.31 g

water content



To determine the water content of the soil we can use: w = mass of water mass of dry soil == 0.262 = 26%

(ii)               liquid and plastic limit

Liquid limit is the water content at which the soil sample can no longer flows like a liquid while the plastic limit is the moisture content at the soil particles cannot be remolded without cracking. The approach utilize the plasticity index is the range of water content within which a soil is plastic where finer soil samples demonstrates high plasticity index.

Liquid limit test

Date of test: 18 July 2021

Location: Borehole 2

Depth: 4.0 m

Test No





Cone penetration reading (mm)





Average penetration (mm)





Container number:





Mass of wet soil + container (g)





Mass of dry soil + container (g)





Mass of container (g)





Water content (%)






Liquid limit =30%

The plastic limit of a soil sample from a given site can be measured using the formula:

 Plasticity index = Liquid limit – Plastic limit

The liquidity index tests makes it easier to compare the plasticity of a sample soil with its natural water content. When plotted against the liquid limit on the plasticity chart the plasticity index enables the classification of cohesive soils.

For example, the formula can be used to calculate the void ratio and the degree of saturation where a soil sample of total volume 200 ml contains 25 ml air and 30 ml water..

𝒆 = ==0.38


(iii)             California bearing ratio

The laboratory California bearing ratio tests are conducted by formulating a sample of soil in a tubular steel ampule and then forcing a cylindrical steel nozzle with a nominal diameter, into the soil sample at a precise rate to determine the force required to penetrate through the soil sample.  For instance, the California bearing ratio can be measured by applying weight to a small diffusion piston at a rate of 1.3 mm (0.05″) per minute as shown by the sketch below. The results shows that the total weight was logged at penetrations stretching from 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) up to 7.62 mm (0.300 in.)

Figure 1: Sketch of CBR

Proposal to address identified geotechnical weaknesses and problems

Natural soil comprises a mass of solid particles separated by spaces or voids which are sometimes filled with water and some with air. The project of constructing a new highway and bridge connecting the site to the Sha Tsui peninsula will require efficient approach for conducting geotechnical procedures to analyze the soil properties. Considering the current state of the soil from the site, the approach should aim to address geotechnical problems related to embankments, bridge and road foundations before the construction.

Natural water content test

Date of test: 18 July 2021

Location: Borehole 1

Depth: 3.5 m

Mass of wet soil + container (g)


Mass of dry soil + container (g)


Mass of container (g)


Water content (%)



According to Batog and Stilger, (2019) research, the primary geotechnical issues that impact embankment performance for a site for constructing a new highway and a bright are overall stability, compressibility and strength of the soil. Thus, the report proposes leveling the land to strengthen the soil for highway construction to as the first step to ensure the pavement layers can be supported.

Figure2: boreholes from the site

The site presents the geotechnical problems occurring in the interaction area between road embankments and the bridge structures in case a subsoil characterized by complex geological and engineering conditions .The next step can include cut and fill where rock or soil cut to reduce the land level, is reused on the site as fill to construct embankments to raise the ground level. The method will allow the vertical alignment of the highway to be constant and strong rather than undulating

Figure 3: Cut and Fill

Geotechnical engineering for bridge building faces unique challenges due to bridges being constructed over waterways. Compaction of soils can also be useful to minimize the volume change produced by input of work by impact, vibration by eliminating the air or water spaces between the soils. Foundations for bridges differ from those for buildings, and scouring during hurricanes or storms can carry away sediments, undermining the bridge and leading to failure. Given that the high rates of water concentration from results from the data corrected from borehole 1 and 2, the project should consider the compaction.  The key objective of compaction is to minimize the volume of the soil by eliminating the spacing between the particle which will give the soil increased strength and decreased compressibility


The report has analyzed how the soil properties are determined during geotechnical procedures when conducting a ground investigation. It has described the importance of soil mechanics on the design of embankments, bridge and road foundations by describing how soils are compacted and explaining why soils are compacted. It has also presented a proposal for conducting a geotechnical procedures to analyze the soil properties for a project of constructing a new highway and bridge connecting the site to the Sha Tsui peninsula. Based on the survey data, soil sampling and testing, the results from borehole 1 and 2 were used to determine the required soil properties for the project have been included to address the identified geotechnical weaknesses and problems























Batog, A., & Stilger-Szydło, E. (2019). Geotechnical problems of the foundation of road embankments by the bridge structures. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 41(4), 272–281. https://doi.org/10.2478/sgem-2019-0036

Caicedo, B. (2021). Unsaturated soil mechanics applied to road materials. Geotechnics of Roads, 65–111. https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429025921-2

GEO, G. (2017). 3—Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions. Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Li, P., Song, E., & Zheng, T. (2018). Initial sinking method for large open caisson in a highway bridge project. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 1692–1696. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-97115-5_172

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