Creative Assignment 1 – Designing a Flyer

 For this assignment, your task is to design a single page FLYER for one of the events listed below. You must use a Publisher template as a starting point and you are required to make modifications, as described on page 2. You will be graded on your overall design, how effectively you targeted your audience, whether you included all of the elements requested, as well as your writing skills. The flyer must be your original ideas and work. Do not use the Internet, or any other resources for information. NO INTERNET TEMPLATES ALLOWED—this will be considered a breach of Academic Integrity.

Design a flyer for one of the following events:

·         New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance

·         College Sports Team Playoff Game

·         Holiday Party or event (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Fall Festival)

·         Sheridan Student Union event


In the space below, answer the questions to plan your flyer:

1.       Audience – who is the intended audience for your flyer?

The intended audience for your flyer is anyone above 18 old
What sort of images and/or colours will you include to appeal to this audience?

I will include images of champagne glasses and stars to appeal the New Year’s event

2.       What is the main message of your flyer that you want your reader to remember?

The main message of the flyer that I want the reader to remember is the venue, time and date for the New Year’s event.

Sample flyer

3.       Using the design element of FOCUS, what do you want your reader to notice first on your flyer? How will you achieve this?

I want the readers to notice the event’s main objective which is to cerebration the New Year’s Eve with dinner and dances. The flyer was designed to draw the focus of the audience to the image of the champagne glasses to portray the celebrations during the New Year’s Eve Dinner and Dance event.

Include the following elements in your flyer:

1.       You must start with a MS Publisher Flyer template


2.       At least two graphic elements


3.       One bulleted list, with custom bullets (not the defaults on the ribbon)

Hint: Go to page 194-195 for detailed instruction on creating custom bullets


Assignment Submission:

·         Save Page 1 of this assignment with the answers to your questions as: Lastname_Firstname_FlyerPlanner

·         Save your flyer as: Lastname_Firstname_Flyer

·         Prior to midnight before your next class, upload the Flyer document to the drop box in SLATE; ensure that you have a copy of the flyer with you for Week 4 class, as you will need it for an in-class editing activity

·         After class, but before midnight on the day of class, upload your FLYER PLANNER and YOUR EDITED FLYER to the Creative Assignment 1 drop box in SLATE


·         See grading rubric below

·         Note—Participation in Online Discussion Group #1 in-class activity
will be included in your Flyer grade 

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