Planning Template Organizer: Digital Social Science magazine/ newspaper/portfolio through your chosen avenue of communication

 Final Evaluation Task : Designing a digital Social Science magazine/newspaper/portfolio through the chosen avenue of communication (examples: Google site, slides, Ebook, canva, Piktochart, brochure, portfolio and more!) The choice is yours!

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Final Evaluation Task (20%) __________________________________________________ Introduction: Through your learning in this course you have used the social science inquiry to explore human behavior, social groups, institutions and various societies and cultures by examining a variety of issues from the past to present in Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. Your Task: You will design a digital Social Science magazine/newspaper/portfolio through your chosen avenue of communication (examples: Google site, slides, Ebook, canva, Piktochart, brochure, portfolio and more!) The choice is yours! In your digital Social Science magazine/newspaper/portfolio, please include the following parts that demonstrate your understanding and inquiry of the topics discussed throughout the semester. ● Part A: Cover Page 
● Part B: Write a blurb of an article 
● Part C: Design an advertisement 
● Part D: Create ONE extra insert 
As you design your digital Social Science magazine/newspaper/portfolio, choose and be sure to think about your intended audience (i.e. children, teens, adults, etc.). Your final product should appeal to your intended audience. Take a look at online current magazines (i.e. National Geographic, Today’s Parent, Psychology Today, etc.) and newspapers (i.e. The Hamilton Spectator, The Toronto Star, etc.) for format and inspiration. Choose the tone of your project - can be formal, casual, funny, etc. 
You will be expected to submit the following to your assignment drop box: 
Planning Template & your digital Social Science magazine/newspaper/portfolio. 
Choose a Social Science topic: ________________________________ 
Create a question based on the topic: _____________________________________________? 
Use your topic & question to fill in the Planning template 
Planning Template Due Date: Thursday, June 8th 2023 
Final Product Due Date: Thursday, June 15th 2023 
Planning Template Organizer 
Based on your topic and question, please fill in the following template to plan and research your digital magazine, newspaper or portfolio. Part(s) Student Notes References (APA Citation Machine®: APA Format & APA Citation Generator 
A. Cover Page
 Include the following in your cover page 
● Title of your magazine/newspaper/portfolio 
● Date of publication 
● A picture 
● Table of content 
● What else would you like to include to illustrate or represent your topic? 
B. Media/Article Review Find & Choose ONE of the following options based on your chosen topic: newspaper article, magazine article, a movie, TV show, book, or a social media post 
1. Briefly summarize (5 W's & H) your chosen media or article source. Include a link to your chosen media or article source if possible. 
2. Describe the social issue presented from your chosen media or article source? 
3. How does your chosen media source or article support and develop your examination of Anthropology, Psychology or Sociology? 
C. Advertisement Choose ONE of the three options below to plan & create an advertisement 1. Create an advertisement for this course: HSP3
C a. Include what you learned about Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology 
b. Include highlights of the course (activities, discussions, projects you enjoyed)
c. How could you convince your fellow students to enroll in HSP3C? 
2. Create an advertisement seeking participants for a study 
a. Study can be for Anthropology, Psychology, or Sociology 
b. Explain the purpose of the study, how you will conduct it, what is involved, and requirements for participation 
c. Summarize how the study is safe and ethical 
3. Create a “job wanted” advertisement 
a. Include a job description for a career in ONE of: Anthropology, Psychology, or Sociology 
b. List job requirements, skills and knowledge required, previous experience preferences, etc. 
D. Extra Inserts 
● Create OR find and Include an extra insert of your choice based on your topic or question 
● It can be in different formats. 
For example, jokes, visuals, puzzle, local community event, quotation, classified section (things for sale), sports, business, letter to the editor, gossip column, art/fashion, weather, entertainment, politics, science, international news, visuals, video, guest speaker ideas etc 
● Discuss how your chosen extra insert shows a connection to Anthropology, Psychology or sociology References
 Final Evaluation Task Rubric
Level 4 (80-100%) -demonstrates knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness 
Level 3 (70-79%) -demonstrates knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness 
Level 2 (60-69%) -demonstrates knowledge and skills with some effectiveness 
Level 1 (50-59%) -demonstrates knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness 
Level R (49%- below) -No evidence of knowledge and skills demonstrated Knowledge/Understanding - demonstrates an insightful understanding and investigations of chosen topic & question to examine various perspectives & concepts through the lens of Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology 
-Demonstrates the use of appropriate context specific and relevant terminology 
-Demonstrates an insightful selection of significant information for all parts of the inquiry to develop analysis 
- Use of relevant information from other sources (if applicable) 
- Project is organized and presented in a way that is easy for the reader to follow 
- Target audience is considered and evident from the product 
- Demonstrates insightful communications strategies to show analysis of the chosen topic 
-Demonstrates insightful connections to chosen topic and course concepts when exploring Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology 
- Any outside research sources are documented using proper APA referencing Feedback & Comments

Planning Template Organizer Sample 

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