Exploring the concepts of music as spirituality and emotion in the Arab World

1. Why the call to prayer plays an important spiritual role in Abdulwahab Benyoucef's life in contrast to his professional life

The call to prayer plays an important spiritual role in Abdulwahab Benyoucef's life because he considers it a way to call people to worship God. According to the article, the author balances his professional life with the spiritual life by ensuring that the two worlds remain separate.

 As a devout Muslim who also plays the Adhan, Abdulwahab Benyoucef ensures that his Muslim friends are not aware of his acting life while his acting friends are not aware of his Muslim side. Besides, he also explained that he sometimes rejects acting offers that require him to play roles that demean his community.

 Since Abdulwagab was eight years old, he kept his life in balance by reciting calls to prayer at the mosques. As a result, playing the call to player forms a significant spiritual pilar when compared to his acting life.

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2. How is it that something can sound musical but not be music?

Something can sound musical but not be musical when a sound is being produced rhythmically. Moreover, the tonal variation of the worlds can also contribute to making something that is not music sound musical.

 For instance, the call to prayer entails words produced musically, making it sound musical. In the real sense, the call to prayer recites words for calling people to come to the mosque and pray, which sounds musical even though it is not music.

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