Art Creation & Reflection ('The impression sunrise' by Claude Monet)


Other works done by other artists have inspired many artworks. However, it can be hard to notice the connection between two art pieces without a crosser look. Sometimes, the artist's techniques hide the inspiration, such as the colors and brush strokes (Martin & Jacobus, 2018). The paper aims to reflect on the relationship between my art production and the inspiration piece. The piece of art that has inspired my art is the Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet. The reflection analyzes both art pieces by comparing the special connection between how one painting helped create a similar but different artwork.

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Inspiration Piece

The artwork that inspired my painting is known as the impression sunrise by Claude Monet. The painting depicts the port of the town of Le Havre, which is also the artist's hometown. It was first displayed in April 1874 in Paris as part of what came to be known as the "Exhibition of the Impressionists" (Smith, 2015). The name of the painting inspired the name for the impressionist art movement of the era. The piece of art presents a unique painting style with a sense of calmness as the sun rises near the docks. The horizon is nowhere to be seen as the water from the ports merges with the sky and reflections.

Fig 1: The impression sunrise by Claude Monet

The painting gave me a sense of calmness through the different reflections from the sky and the waters. The sunlight and water rays have always made me feel happy and peaceful, knowing hope for life. Similarly, different colors or textures on art pieces can significantly impact the feeling that the audience gets from the artwork. For instance, blue is usually linked with the sky and water (Sutton and Altarriba, 2015). It is an impression of how the brilliant light plays on the waters at sunrise.

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My Art Piece

The piece of art was inspired by the Impression Sunrise painting by Claude Monet. It portrays a beach with trees, and the sun is rising, which gives the feeling of calmness. I have used red to draw the sun to reflect on the waters and the sky. The rising sun marks a new day that gives hope to the living things on earth. Thus, my creation also focuses on the theme of the impression given by sunrise in the morning near the sea. 

Fig 2: The sun rising 

Connection Between the Inspiration Peace and my Peace of Art

The thematic connection between the two pieces is the mark of a new beginning for all living things on land and in the water. They also show the beauty of nature and calmness as the sun rises. The two pieces of art are familiar because they both focus on the beauty of nature as the sun rises near the water, which makes a new day. Like the painting of the impression of sunrise by Claude Monet, my art also portrays red to represent the rising sun. However, my art has a more extensive sun because the image shows a closer look at the docks in the morning. The medium for my artwork is a piece of paper, while the impression of sunrise was portrayed on oil on canvas. Artists often use a particular medium because it affects the texture or color of art. However, my piece of art was meant to be simple to portray the beauty and calmness of nature as the sun rises.


The artwork that inspired my painting is known as the impression sunrise by Claude Monet. The painting gave me a sense of calmness through the different reflections from the sky and the waters. The painting depicts the port of the town of Le Havre, which is also the artist's hometown. Artists often use a particular medium because it affects the texture or color of art. Both pieces of art provide an impression of the brilliant light on the waters as the sun rises in the morning. However, my work of art is meant to be simple to portray the beauty and calmness of nature as the sun rises over the water. 



Martin, F. D., & Jacobus, L. A. (2018). The humanities through the arts (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Smith, J. (2015). The Sea at Le Havre. JAMA313(9), 878.

 Sutton, T. M., & Altarriba, J. (2015). Color associations to emotion and emotion-laden words: A collection of norms for stimulus construction and selection. Behavior Research Methods, 48(2), 686-728. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0598-8

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