Characteristics of bureaucracy as described by Max Weber

As a City Special Administrator, one of the best characteristics of bureaucracy that would address the local Mass and Cass scenario with is having a formal hierarchy structure. Hierachy structure means arranging positions according to the level of hierarchy (Lunenburg, 2017). For the local Mass Cass scenario to be addressed effectively, effective decision-making must be made by recognizing the agency of individuals. The structure fosters solidarity by having a shared goal among the members and also ensuring there is a collective responsibility in the organization. The hierarchy will ensure there is a higher degree of formal operations in all departments (Ajemba, 2022). Having a formal hierarchy structure eases the ways roles and responsibilities are distributed, defining roles for each department and reporting relations. This makes accountability easier. A formal hierarchy structure will ensure the healthcare sector, social service agencies, and even other community-based organizations collaborate for easier governing of the people.

The second characteristic that will address the local Mass and Cass scenario is having management by rules. Management rules help keep operations from devolving into complete chaos (REINHARD et al., n.d.). Every employee will be aware of what is expected of them since all the rules are clearly stated and strictly enforced. As the management, by employing Verstehen, we can enforce rules and regulations important to ensure there is order and that public health issues are addressed from the roots. Understanding the habitus of the people around us makes it easier for us to employ our intervention. This will ensure public safety for everyone like harm reduction. Harm reduction is a practical strategy and idea that helps reduce negative consequences brought about by drug abuse (SOC 338 Group 3, slide 6). In addition, having management rules makes it easier to address issues affecting individuals like drug abuse, and creates a favorable environment for people to air out their needs while observing public safety. For example, having rules and policies prohibiting drugs and illegal drug abuse in public spaces, with community-based intervention services to care for mentally unstable individuals will assist address some issues contributing to the amplified crisis.

The third characteristic that I believe will address your local Mass and Cass scenario is having efficient organization. Based on Weber, bureaucracy is the most effective model an organization can employ to solve crises and operate and one of the characteristics is effective organization (SOC 338 Group 3, slide 8). Having an efficient organization ensures there is proper and efficient resource allocation. The system and procedures are designed to maintain uniformity and control within an organization (SOC 338 Group 1, slide 11). In addition, efficient services offered to people maximize the impact of strategies employed to ensure public safety. As leaders handling local Mass and Cass scenarios, you must ensure there is optimum fund allocation and ensure justice is served for the minority. To offer a comprehensive solution to the addicted and homeless individual, you need to have a proper infrastructure. For example, you can opt to have a centralized assessment system to ensure you access even the interior areas for services like housing, and healthcare.

In conclusion, as a City Special Administrator, characteristics of bureaucracy I would employ to address the local Mass and Cass scenario are having a formal hierarchy structure, management by rules, and efficient organization. Effective leadership is required for planning decision making and coordination. To address the crisis, it will need to have rules applying to every employee should know what is expected of them.


Ajemba, M. N. (2022). Bureaucracy in business organizations. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 16(1), 572-574.

Lunenburg, F. C. (2017). Organizational Structure and Design. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 1(1), 21-43.

McNicholus, William (n.d.). SOCIOLOGY 338: CRIMINAL COURTS [PowerPoint slides Group 3].

McNicholus, William (n.d.). SOCIOLOGY 338: CRIMINAL COURTS [PowerPoint slides Group 1].


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