Application Essay for Medical School (Sample Essay)

Ever since I was young, I have always felt the urge to help other people which inspired me to pursue a career in health care. My desire to learn and interact with people from diverse social and cultural communities has also motivated me to join a career in providing health care to members of the community. Thus, I decided to pursue a career in medicine so I could have a tangible set of skills that would make me a valuable member of any community I found myself serving. As a health care provider, I believe that health is also a social achievement. One of my duties as a healthcare provider entails supporting the social goals that are related to improving the quality of life and health status of the individuals from the community (Bhatt & Bathija, 2018). The desired social goal is achieved by establishing strong ties with the members of the community and ensuring that they are involved. I also care about the setting because I believe that healthcare providers are tasked with accepting greater responsibilities and actively participating in them to ensure a healthy community.

My past experiences have also contributed to my enhanced knowledge and skills which have become useful when dealing with people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. I have learned how to establish successful communication channels with the members of the community to promote health. I have also gained an understanding of the need for recognizing and respecting the religious and ethnic cultural identities of patients from diverse communities. For instance, I have developed the ability to deliver empathic care when addressing the disparities that often face people of racially and culturally diverse backgrounds. As a result, I am confident that my experiences will make a significant contribution to improving the healthcare outcomes of the patient population that I will be serving

I have also gained the skills of employing modern technological advancements to understand and communicate with different languages. I believe that the skills which be useful during the program when dealing with people from different cultural and social backgrounds. As the primary liaison between a patient and the medical community, I have learned to adopt a culture of demonstrating cultural competency when delivering care to members of a given community (Dehaven et al., 2020). I consider myself to be a perfect fit for the given position because I have adopted a culture of respecting and understanding the cultural diversity in the patient population. I have learned to interact with the members of a given community by considering their language, behaviors, communication styles, attitudes, and beliefs. For instance, I have always preferred to know each patient personally so that I am better equipped to advocate for them and contribute to improved health care outcomes. I also believe that it is important to provide a space for each of my patients to feel known and cared for by providing them with an effective environment for administering quality care services

My cultural competence practices also entail integrating culturally sensitive attitudes, knowledge, and skills into the problem-solving framework when delivering consultation, assessment, and intervention. Given the chance to be included in the program, I am confident that my experiences will change the healthcare outcomes of the patient population that I will be serving. I also fully believe that a good healthcare provider should be a champion of lifelong learning who is always seeking to learn new things in an effort to deliver care. As a result, I thrive on the challenge of understanding new concepts that contribute to providing quality care to vulnerable community members


Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine93(9), 1271–1275.

Dehaven, M., Gimpel, N., & Carmichael, H. K. (2020). Working with Communities: Meeting the Health Needs of Those Living in Vulnerable Communities When Primary Health Care and Universal Health Coverage Are Not Available.


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